Fall Tree Finger Paint

Fingerpaint - Fall Tree Printable

Here’s an idea for your next home craft.

Finger Paint your way to a Tree with Vibrant Fall Colors. Here’s what you’ll need…


  1. Finger Paints - red, yellow, orange - or use crayons, colored pencils or markers already found at home

  2. Download FREE Tree Printable - or you can draw a tree with branches

  3. Paint palette - or paper plate

  4. Baby Wipes - or wet paper towel

  5. Painter’s Smock - or apron or old clothes that can get stained


  • For older children have them use the tips of their fingers and have them practice mixing the three colors to create different shades.

  • For younger children you can help them use their whole hand instead of fingers.

  • Be sure to have your child wear a painting smock or apron or old clothes.

  • Do outside or on a tiled surface. You can also lay a drop cloth or plastic place mat to prevent stains.

  • Display your child’s artwork quickly and easily with an easy to change frame like the one shown below.


Stage 1 - Love & Affection