Gentry Early Learning Academy




Mon-Fri 5:30am - 5:00pm


(479) 736-9012

Prices are by Week

  • ($165/wk)

    We check our Infants for messes every hr and they are given a fresh diaper every 2hrs regardless of mess.

    Parents are required to supply their child with the following daily;

    -Diapers & Wipes

    -Formula and/or baby food (if ready)

    -2 changes of clothes in case of blowouts with the name on the labels.

    All rooms in our facility follow Creative Curriculum. At this stage our Infants are given plenty of tummy time and socializing with other babies. We have curriculum themed toys, sensory toys, and songs. Like all rooms, Infants are given an hr of outdoor playtime in the shade as weather permits.

    Younger Infants are fed accordingly and older Infants are introduced to sitting at the table with one another and fed their baby food (pureed if necessary). Older infants receive Breakfast, Lunch, and Snack.

    For more details regarding curriculum, special events, service add-ons and tuition assistance please visit our website.

  • ($155/wk)

    We check our toddlers for messes every hr and they are given a fresh diaper every 2hrs regardless of mess. Toddlers also begin potty training at school at this age.

    Parents are required to supply their child with the following daily;

    -Diapers & Wipes (if needed)

    -2 changes of clothes in case of accidents with the name on the labels.

    All rooms in our facility follow Creative Curriculum. At this stage our Toddlers are given plenty of structured play time and socializing with other Toddlers. We have curriculum themed toys, and songs. Like all rooms, Toddlers are given an hr of outdoor playtime as weather permits. Toddlers are given 1 hr of naptime. The kids are given Breakfast, Lunch, and Snack and continue to learn to sit at the table with their classmates and learn basic table manners.

    Prices are weekly. Please visit our web site to learn more about special events, service add-ons and tuition assistance.

  • ($140/wk)

    At this age our Preschoolers are likely all potty trained but in the event they are still in Pull-Up teachers will check for messes every hr and they are given a fresh diaper every 2hrs regardless of mess.

    Parents are required to supply their child with the following daily;

    -Diapers & Wipes

    -2 changes of clothes in case of accidents with the name on the labels.

    All rooms in our facility follow Creative Curriculum. At this stage our Preschoolers are given plenty of structured play time and socializing with other children. We have curriculum themed toys, and songs. Like all rooms, Preschoolers are given an hr of outdoor playtime as weather permits. Preschoolers are given 1 hr of naptime. The kids are given Breakfast, Lunch, and Snack and continue to learn to sit at the table with their classmates and learn basic table manners.

    Prices are weekly. Please visit our web site to learn more about special events, service add-ons and tuition assistance.

  • ($140/wk)

    Parents are required to supply their child with the following daily;

    -2 changes of clothes in case of accidents with the name on the labels.

    All rooms in our facility follow Creative Curriculum. At this stage our Preschoolers are given plenty of structured play time and socializing with other children. We have curriculum themed toys, and songs. Like all rooms, Preschoolers are given an hr of outdoor playtime as weather permits. Preschoolers are given 1 hr of naptime. The kids are given Breakfast, Lunch, and Snack and continue to learn to sit at the table with their classmates and learn basic table manners.

    Prices are weekly. Please visit our web site to learn more about special events, service add-ons and tuition assistance.

  • ($130/wk)

    Available only during the Summer. Children are given 1hr outdoor time, breakfast, lunch, and snack.